Reference | Link |
Monroe-White, T., & Lecy, J. (2022). The Wells-Du Bois Protocol for Machine Learning Bias: Building Critical Quantitative Foundations for Third Sector Scholarship. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 1-15. | Link |
Kozlowski, D.,* Murray, D. S., Bell, A., Hulsey, W., Larivière, V., Monroe-White, T., & Sugimoto, C. R. (2022). Avoiding bias when inferring race using name-based approaches. Plos one, 17(3), e0264270. | Link |
Monroe-White, T.* and McGee E. (in press) “Impact of COVID-19 on the Career Trajectories of Black, Indigenous, and Latino I.T. Graduate Students and Professionals.” Journal of the Southern Association of Information Systems. | |
Kozlowski, D., Larivière, V. Sugimoto, C. R., Monroe-White, T.* (2022). “Intersectional inequalities in science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.” 119 (2) e2113067119. | Link |
Trawick, C.,* Monroe-White, T., Joseph, M., Tolbert, N. C., Tola, J., & Haynes, J. K. (2021). “Investigating the influence of mentor–mentee race and gender pairs on public health persistence.” Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 7(1_suppl), 63S-70S. | Link |
McGee, E.,* Fang, Y., Ni, Y., Monroe-White, T. (2021) “How an Anti-Science President and the COVID-19 Pandemic Altered the Career Trajectories of STEM Ph.D. Students of Color.” AERA Open.DOI: 10.1177/23328584211039217/ ID: AERA-21-0134.R1 | Link |
Matthew, V.,* Monroe-White, T. (2020). “Collective Impact in Action: Implementation and Evaluation of a Multi-Institutional Network of Change Makers” Advances in Engineering Education, 8(1). | Link |
Trawick, C., Monroe-White, T.,* Clayton, J., Haynes J.K. (2020) “The DRK-12 DREAMS to Teach Program at Morehouse College: Challenges & Opportunities with creating the Next Generation of African-American Male STEM Teachers.” Journal of College Science Teaching, 49(5). | Link |
McKenna, A.,* Lichtenstein, G., Weilerstein, P., Monroe-White, T. (2019). “The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Using the questions of Why, What, and How as an organizing framework” Advances in Engineering Education, 7(1). | Link |
Monroe-White, T.,* & Zook, S. (2018) “Social Enterprise Innovation: A Quantitative Analysis of Global Patterns.” VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 29(3), 496-510. | Link |
Coskun, M. E.,* Monroe-White, T., & Kerlin, J. (2018). “An updated quantitative analysis of Kerlin’s macro-institutional social enterprise framework.” Social Enterprise Journal. | Link |
Reference | Link |
Monroe-White, T.* (2021, June). Emancipatory Data Science: A Liberatory Framework for Mitigating Data Harms and Fostering Social Transformation. In 2021 ACM SIGMIS Computers and People Research Conference, June 2021. | Link |
Kozlowski, D.,* Murray, D. S., Bell, A., Hulsey, W., Larivière, V., Monroe-White, T., & Sugimoto, C. R. (2021). Avoiding bias when inferring race using name-based approaches. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.12553. | Link |
Monroe-White, T.,* Marshall, B., & Contreras-Palacios, H. (2021, February). Waking up to Marginalization: Public Value Failures in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. In AAAI 2021 Workshop on Diversity in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research. | Link |
Monroe-White, T.* and Marshall, B. (2020). “Data Science Intelligence: Mitigating Public Value Failures Using PAIR Principles”, Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium on Inspiring mindset for Innovation with Business Analytics and Data Science. In ICIS International Conference on Information Systems. Munich Germany, December 2019. | Link |
Reference | Link |
Monroe-White, T. Boykin, M. C. Gebru, T, Cobb Payton, F. Emancipatory Data Science. Research Panel Presentation. EthicX Series Georgia Institute of Technology. September 30, 2021. Virtual Presentation | Link |
Monroe-White, T. Race and Data. Sugimoto & Lariviere Informatics and Bibliometrics Lab – Indiana University Bloomington and the University of Montreal. November, 17th 2020. Virtual Presentation | Link |
Robinson, J., Huang-Saad, A., McGee, E., Monroe-White, T. GEM Inclusion in Innovation Initiative Workshop: Research Panel Presentation. National Science Foundation. Washington, DC, December, 16th, 2019. (Invitation only) | n/a |
Messier, B., Monroe-White, T., Valentino, N. AI, and Data Analytics. Panel at Windham Brannon Insights Conference 2018. Atlanta, GA, November 29th, 2018. | Link |
Galaskiewicz, J., Lecy, J., Durbin, B. Monroe-White T., Nwaneri, N. TIBS Colloquy: The End of Theory? The Place of Theory in Empirical Times. ARNOVA, Austin, TX, November 15th, 2018. | n/a |
Lecy, J., & Monroe-White, T. Data Analytics: Can I Teach It, Should I and How. West Coast Non-Profit Data Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, April 27th, 2018 | n/a |
Reference | Link |
Monroe-White, T. (2021). “Impact of COVID-19 on the Career Trajectories of Black, Indigenous and Latinx I.T. Graduate Students, and Professionals” Southern Association for Information Systems 2021 Virtual Conference, March 2021. | n/a |
Monroe-White, T. Bamfo-Adjei, P., Setor, K., and Bawole, J. (2020). “A Critical Study of Information System Use in Ghana’s Public Sector”, Southern Association for Information Systems 2020 Virtual Conference, September 2020. | Link |
Robinson, J., Monroe-White, T., McGee, E.O., Hood, A., Joshi, A., Bradley, J. “In Search of Inclusive Innovation: Emerging Research and Intervention.” 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Virtual Session. August 7-11, 2020. | Link |
Robinson, J., Monroe-White, T., McGee, E.O., Joshi, A., Bradley, J. “Inclusive Innovation in Technology Entrepreneurship: What is it and How can we Study it?” 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Virtual Session. August 7-11, 2020 | Link |
Lecy, J., & Monroe-White, T. Data Analytics: Can I Teach It, Should I and How. West Coast Non-Profit Data Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, April 27th, 2018 | n/a |